Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Hope and Olivia (my cat) are becoming great friends. You will never met anyone more protective of their cat than I am, so I'm watching them carefully, but Olivia is the instigator. She hides under the bed, then jumps out at Hope. Hope sticks her head under the bed, with her tail wagging wildly. I tried to get pictures, but it's a pretty fast paced game!

The good news is that when they're not playing, Hope ignores her.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hope, you look so beautiful and it is so good to see you outside of the concrete walls of the shelter. I'm so happy for you. Don't worry baby, those great folks there will help you get your fur back...but bald is beautiful baby...hehehe I'm so proud of all of you, you guys came through so much... I love and miss you!!

Aunt Carolyn