Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Report from Home...

Hi Karen,
I've been feeling guilty that I haven't written to you lately to tell you how things are going. Luckily, the peeing issue has been resolved. We haven't had another incident since I talked to you last...thank goodness.
The mange thing is still being treated. She is back on the ivermectin, and she continues to get a bath with this special soap once a week. I'm hoping that the vet thinks she is showing significant improvement the next time I take her in.
I can tell that Hope is getting a little bored with me now that the kids are back in school. I guess I'm just not as much fun running around the back yard as they are. Most of the time she just hangs out in the kitchen when I'm cooking or reading the paper. We are like two old women by ourselves.
I think she is doing great and she has really been so good about learning where her bed is and going into the kennel when we are leaving. The only thing we still need to work on is jumping up. Hope is so excited when Gillian comes home from school, she can hardly stand it. It is so cute to see them get back together after a long day at school.
If you're ever around this area, feel free to stop by. I think you'd be amazed at how great Hope is looking. What a comeback!
Take care,