Well Hope-a-Dope (as my 5 year old calls her) has been soaking up a lot of love at Camp West while Karen is away. Hope deserves the 'bestest' home ever. She and Ella almost caught a rabbit in the back yard yesterday morning! Hope was half way under the fence trying to reach it. She was oh so close!
Hope doesn't seem too fond of the male dogs that surround our house. She is the first one howling and jumping at the fence when Bear wanders out.
She squints her eyes so tight when you talk to her, wagging her tail and immediately down on her side looking for anyone to pet her. She smothers the kids with kisses. Last night I had to give her a bath. She gets pretty 'stanky' with her whole mange thing going on! I called her from the top of the steps, she came wagging her tail like crazy, squinting, and then plopped down at the bottom of the steps. She is so submissive! When she gets scolded it breaks your heart. She is a counter surfer and she got a hold of a boneless skinless chicken breast last night, and when I said "No Hope No", she immediately plopped down on her side. She is killing me... she is so darn cute!
She loves the food dispensing ball, she can bat that thing around for an hour. She and Ella play great together, she is longer and taller than the hobbit, so her reach is a bit better than Ella the junk yard dog's. No aggressive fighting, just a lot of love after playtime. After breakfast Hope will save her gel cap pill and toss it around and play with it under the table and Ella looks at her like, "Are you going to share"?... I will have to follow up with photos too. Hope is adorable, I am so happy IBR brought her in.
The Staff at Camp West